Oil and Gas Law in Azerbaijan

About the product
1)Consultation on large scale projects including PSAs, Host Government Agreements (HGA), Joint Operating Agreements, Engineering Procurement and Construction Contracts, Drilling Contracts and Services Agreement with Contractor and subcontractors;
2)Tax and customs consultancy under PSA in Azerbaijan, including in oil-gas industry;
3)Employment and immigration consultancy related to oil-gas industry and applicability of the PSAs;
4)Representing PSA and HGA contractors and sub-contractors in obtaining work permits from the State Migration Services, coordination of the approvals which involve operator company and SOCAR endorsements;
5)Consulting and representing the clients on the major contract negotiations with oil-gas contractors and subcontractors;
6)Consulting of PSA and HGA sub-contractors on all aspects of tax, customs, commercial, compliance and regulatory matters;
7)Accounting and payroll services to contractors and subcontractors in the oil-gas industry, including where the PSA applies;
8)Incorporation of local entity for the purposes of obtaining benefits under the PSA regime;
9)Consultation on the acquisition and disposition of oil and gas assets;
10)Consulting service providers under PSA on the structuring of its offshore operations;
11)Tax planning and tax optimization consultancy to foreign contractors and subcontractors operating in the oil-gas industry of Azerbaijan, particularly where relevant product sharing agreements apply;
12)Obtaining required licenses and permissions relevant in the oil-gas industry;
13)Consulting on local environmental regulations applicable to oil and gas productions, processing and transportation;
14)Obtaining a 0% VAT Certificate from the tax authorities as per the relevant protocols of the PSA.
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