Oil and Gas Law

About the product
Our Legal and Consultancy Services in the Oil and Gas industry of Azerbaijan include:
Consultation on large scale projects including PSAs, Host Government Agreements (HGA), Joint Operating Agreements, Engineering Procurement and Construction Contracts, Drilling Contracts and Services Agreement with Contractor and subcontractors;
Tax and customs consultancy under PSA in Azerbaijan, including in oil-gas industry;
Employment and immigration consultancy related to oil-gas industry and applicability of the PSAs;
Representing PSA and HGA contractors and sub-contractors in obtaining work permits from the State Migration Services, coordination of the approvals which involve operator company and SOCAR endorsements;
Consulting and representing the clients on the major contract negotiations with oil-gas contractors and subcontractors;
Consulting of PSA and HGA sub-contractors on all aspects of tax, customs, commercial, compliance and regulatory matters;
Accounting and payroll services to contractors and subcontractors in the oil-gas industry, including where the PSA applies;
Incorporation of local entity for the purposes of obtaining benefits under the PSA regime;
Consultation on the acquisition and disposition of oil and gas assets;
Consulting service providers under PSA on the structuring of its offshore operations;
Tax planning and tax optimization consultancy to foreign contractors and subcontractors operating in the oil-gas industry of Azerbaijan, particularly where relevant product sharing agreements apply;
Obtaining required licenses and permissions relevant in the oil-gas industry;
Consulting on local environmental regulations applicable to oil and gas productions, processing and transportation;
Obtaining a 0% VAT Certificate from the tax authorities as per the relevant protocols of the PSA.
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